Guided by curiosity and a keen sense of observation, I take a strategic approach to passionately design experiences that inspire. Being a California native, I have enjoyed being constantly inspired by the vast and diverse landscape, culture, and aesthetics with each helping to inform my style and approach to design.
I’m currently a Los Angeles based Graphic Designer working at Verizon Media.​​​​​​​
Design Philosophy
Everyone can do design, and we’ve all done it throughout our entire life. We are constantly making design decisions, from what we decide to wear in the morning, to how we arrange the food on our plate at dinner. The choices we make dictate how we experience life, from the simplest aspects to the most complex. Designers are the ones who realize what they are doing, and have the ability to refine, perfect, and articulate their craft. As designers we are acutely aware of how design thinking and decisions can affect one’s experience. When Paula Scher describes how she designed the Citi Bank logo she tells us, “it’s done in a second and in thirty-four years.” It is those thirty-four years of practice and experience that allowed her to come up with the now iconic Citi Bank logo so quickly. The ability to do good design isn’t something that happens overnight. It is through trial and error, success and failure, and the ability to learn from those experiences that make one a good designer.
It is the endless search for the right solution that drives the life of a designer, but being a designer is not just a profession. While there are many careers that allow employees to clock in and clock out, only thinking about work when they’re on the clock. Being a designer is different, because we are constantly surrounded by design. As a designer we notice things that most people overlook, and we examine the choices that other designers make, and imagine how we would approach the same problem.
When approaching a design problem there are many aspects to consider, all of which play an important part in the final piece. Designing is like going through a maze, there are many options, not all of them right but it’s up to the designer to make it through the maze. Designers have to discover the right path, because it’s our job to find our way through the maze and get to the end with a well designed final product.
Good design is about communicating a message and creating an experience that will resonate and stay with the viewer. Making use of visual elements that connect people with abstract ideas gives them a deeper understanding and connection with a particular product, idea, or message. Design provides visual associations which create deeper connections.
The most useful trait of any designer is being observant, and noticing the world around us. There’s a lot to be learned from just taking the time to look around and notice the design that surrounds us. Taking note of what design decisions make something successful, as well as noticing what decisions aren’t working. This occurs when doing something as simple as looking at a menu and taking note, not just of the content but of the visual elements. It is this everyday thinking that takes place while you’re on a website, or looking , that helps improve design thinking and decision making.
Doing design work is challenging, interesting, and sometimes frustrating, but it is always rewarding. Good design is not something that is easily achieved; as designers it’s our job to work through problems and find the right creative solution. To be a designer means being observant, and letting one’s surroundings and past experiences influence them. Through this process, connections can form and good design that creates a lasting impression is achieved.
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